Feminist Avengers
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Do You Understand Women? QUIZ!!!

1. Why do women get all sensitive about rape?
    a. it happens to them
    b. they're bored
    c. they hate men
    d. no one will sleep with them
    e. women are inherently irrational

2. Why do women dislike it when you speak over them in conversation?
    a. it tells them that they are unimportant and invisible to you
    b. they're bored
    c. they hate men
    d. no one will sleep with them
    e. women are inherently irrational

3. Why don't women like it when you "compliment" their body on the street?
    a. it is frightening to be dehumanized and reduced to body parts
    b. they're bored
    c. they hate men
    d. no one will sleep with them
    e. women are inherently irrational

4. What should you do if you and your dick buddies are dominating the conversation?
    a. talk about something relevant to the lives of others in the group, stop talking over the women who are trying to share their opinion, and listen to a woman EVEN IF she is not very attractive to you
    b. continue as before, obviously what you're saying is really meaningful and important
    c. continue as before, women are naturally quieter and shy
    d. continue as before, if women want to talk about their periods or whatever they can start a side conversation
    e. women are inherently irrational

5. If you are telling a joke and all the women in the room are covering their ears and humming, it means...
    a. you are probably telling an offensive joke that is triggering painful personal memories
    b. they have no sense of humor
    c. they just don't get the punch line, you should explain it to them again
    d. who cares what the women are doing?
    e. women are inherently irrational

6. Is it inappropriate to use the word "pussy"?
    a. yes, it degrades women and opens the door for the sexual disrespect of everyone
    b. yes, then women will know how you really feel about them
    c. no, it's just a word, man
    d. hahaha!! pussy!!!
    e. women are inherently irrational

7. What is wrong with "needing to score"?
    a. it turns sex into an event that debases a woman so you can feel like a man
    b. the heartache of blue balls
    c. nothing at all, men have needs
    d. they won't sleep with you if you call it that
    e. women are inherently irrational

8. What is the best thing to do if Take Back The Night is marching past your apartment and interrupting your beer bong?
    a. applaud them or support them respectfully
    b. yell "shut up!" at them, cause they totally will listen
    c. find some girls to yell "shut up!" at them, to seem more legit
    d. throw a beer can, because you're a classy dude
    e. women are inherently irrational

9. You see a woman in nondescript loose-fitting jeans and t-shirt. She is...
    a. a person
    b. a lesbian
    c. ugly
    d. not important
    e. women are inherently irrational

10. What is a woman's ideal valentine's day gift?
    a. women are a heterogenous group of people who come from extremely diverse backrounds, beliefs, and tastes, with the biggest thing they have in common being their oppression, so it would be impossible to say what women's ideal anything are, AND/OR the idea that women are obsessed with valentine's day is an offensive example of the stereotype of female frivolity, AND/OR this question is so dumb you are speechless.
    b. jewelry
    c. flowers
    d. giving me a blowjob
    e. women are inherently irrational


If you answered mostly A's..... You might believe women are people, too!
If you answered mostly B's..... You are an asshole.
If you answered mostly C's..... You are an asshole.
If you answered mostly D's..... You are an asshole.
If you answered mostly E's..... You are an asshole.


Anonymous said...

oh the hilarity! it won't stop! still laughing...can't work....
feminist love,